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Do you need a real estate lawyer when buying or selling a home?

When making a life-changing financial choice, such as selling or purchasing a property, it’s always a good idea to seek expert counsel. Most purchasers will speak with an inspector and pay for an appraiser in addition to employing a real estate agent before purchasing or selling.

A real estate attorney is another professional who can play an essential part in the transaction. Some states require real estate lawyers to be involved in the process, while others utilize attorneys sparingly, if at all. From the buyer’s and seller’s viewpoints, here’s why hiring a lawyer can be a good idea—or not. Try bridgepayday ..!! now!

What is the Role of a Real Estate Lawyer?

A real estate lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in real estate transactions and is licensed to practice law. A real estate attorney knows all parts of the home-buying process and can represent buyers, sellers, or lenders.

It’s likely that in jurisdictions where a lawyer is obliged to be present at closing, the lawyer is just there to represent the buyer’s lender. If you want someone to represent your interests exclusively, you’ll have to employ a lawyer. Real estate attorney involvement requirements fluctuate from state to state and even within states, such as California, where standards vary by county.

Some people engage an attorney early in the process to handle things like evaluating the brokerage contract with a real estate agent. At the same time, others wait until the purchase contract is drawn out or until closing to hire one. A lawyer’s charge could range from $200 to $300 per hour, or you could pay a flat fee of several hundred dollars at closing.

When Would I Require the Services of a Real Estate Attorney?

A real estate attorney can be helpful in various situations during the home-buying and selling process, from examining the purchase contract in a conventional sale to dealing with a particularly problematic one.

Purchase Agreement

Although real estate brokers are frequently involved in the preparation of purchase contracts, a lawyer could check the deal’s provisions. Furthermore, real estate agents are usually restricted to filling out contract templates rather than developing contracts from scratch. As a result, more complicated contracts may require the assistance of an attorney.

If you’re going to hire a lawyer at this point, give yourself a few days, if feasible, to have the contract reviewed by a lawyer before it’s formalized. Making the contingencies as advantageous to you as possible can help you prevent potential problems down the road.

The contract is the most significant document in the home-selling process, and it covers a variety of topics that you might discuss. 

  • Inspection – This is one of the most significant aspects of the purchase deal. A house inspection can reveal many issues, and the seller and buyer may find up haggling over who pays for repairs. In some circumstances, the buyer may cancel the deal without penalty if the contract allows it.
  • Title – A title search is standard procedure before purchase, and it may reveal a lien on the property you’re selling or buying, which a lawyer can investigate. A lawyer can also guarantee that your new home’s title insurance protects you from potential problems.
  • Timing – The sale of your own house or factors mainly beyond your control, such as unforeseen lender delays, could affect the time it takes to close on the property.


Closing on a house sale or purchase, the moment you’ve been waiting for frequently entails reviewing dozens of pages of legal documentation. A lawyer can assist both the seller and the buyer with the review process, which can be scary and complex for a first-time homebuyer.

When representing a buyer, “we negotiate the repairs, supervise the financing, and review the title,” says Michelle Chase, a real estate attorney in Naperville, Illinois. “At closing, we go over all of the mortgage paperwork with the buyers.”

Scenarios That Aren’t Typical

Here are some uncommon situations that may necessitate legal counsel and negotiating skills:

  • You’re buying a house in a different state.
  • You’re in charge of the estate and selling a home that belonged to a family member.
  • You’re purchasing or selling a home with significant flaws, such as structural damage.
  • You’re facing serious financial difficulties and attempting to sell a property encumbered by liens.
  • You’re purchasing a home as part of a unique form of sales, such as an estate sale, a short sale, an auction, or a bank-owned property.
  • You’re trying to sell a home that’s a significant portion of your divorce settlement.

Where Can I Find a Real Estate Lawyer?

When looking for a real estate lawyer, recommendations from people you trust, such as real estate agents and lenders, can be an excellent place to start. You can also look for real estate lawyers in your region, contact your local American Bar Association chapter, or reach out to a non-profit that assists homeowners.

You should probably interview a few lawyers to assess their approaches, pricing, and availability.

How many residential real estate deals do you advise each year? 

This question can reveal the attorney’s total real estate transaction experience. Furthermore, knowing if an attorney is unpopular, in-demand, or possibly over-committed and less likely to provide one-on-one attention might be beneficial.

How do you generally get involved in real estate deals? 

Because real estate transactions can be pretty complicated, it’s critical to locate an attorney familiar with the services you require.

How accessible will you be throughout the procedure? 

This is vital because you’ll want your lawyer to be ready to assist you and negotiate with the other party if you’re in the middle of a potentially contentious discussion that has to be concluded swiftly.

Do you charge an hourly rate or a flat rate? 

It would help if you researched how much lawyers in your area charge for services and the price range. Find out if the price includes time to review, discuss, and maybe negotiate elements of all paperwork or if the price only includes time to attend the closure.

Why Should You Hire a Real Estate Lawyer?

The following are some examples of when employing a real estate lawyer makes sense:

Reasonable price. 

Hiring a real estate lawyer who charges a reasonable cost could be wise. For instance, a poorly resolved issue involving a severe defect discovered during a house inspection could cost you thousands of dollars.


Even if you are not obligated to employ a lawyer for any step of the home-buying or selling process, having someone who can explain intricate legal problems may make you feel more comfortable. A real estate attorney can also provide you peace of mind that you’re making the proper decisions as you proceed with what may be the most significant transaction you’ll ever make.

One-on-one representation. 

Everyone involved in purchasing or selling a home, including real estate agents and lenders, has a vested interest in the transaction succeeding. At times, you may feel alone as a result of this. If you engage a lawyer, on the other hand, you’ll have access to an impartial third party who can evaluate the contract and represent your interests throughout the transaction.

Why Shouldn’t You Hire a Real Estate Lawyer?

Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t hire a real estate lawyer:

It could turn into a tussle. 

If your lawyer is looking for opportunities to quarrel with the other party, such as making a big deal out of a minor point in a contract, it could slow down the transaction and cost you money if you have to pay by the hour.

You’re short on cash. 

If your transaction is relatively simple and your state does not require the use of a real estate lawyer, you may be able to get by with just the assistance of your real estate agent and title firm. 

You might put the money you save toward a down payment or other expenses.


Whether or not to engage a real estate lawyer is largely a matter of personal preference and the capacity to pay a little more at closing. If you have a team of specialists on your side—a real estate agent, lender, inspector, and lawyer—the home-buying process should go more smoothly, especially if you’re a first-time buyer.